Double revenue KPIs with smart process automation

Speed up deals and account management by skipping manual busywork. Automate invoice and billing workflows, contract and document assembly, and more, in minutes.

Build custom revenue ops automation with Python + AI

Build auditable calculators with custom logic

Skip messy spreadsheets – deploy custom calculators for your financial models, ensuring audit trails and compliance. Integrate seamlessly with data sources and workflows for real-time calculations tailored to your business needs.

Automate document assembly

Automate creation and distribution of documents like invoices and reports. Pull data from existing systems automatically to generate accurate and compliant documents efficiently, reducing manual effort and errors.

Optimize support ticket workflows

Automate ticket tracking, assignment, and resolution. Integrate with CRMs and other systems to manage customer interactions efficiently and keep all involved teams updated automatically, improving service and resolution times.

Streamline credential management

Automate user and partner credential generation and management. Integrate with identity management for secure, compliant onboarding and offboarding, enhancing operational efficiency and data security.

Karl Holub

CTO at Nested Knowledge

"Abstra eats up any internal process we need to codify, providing a single platform for our sales, support and operational development internal tools.

We were able implement multiples workflows in a handful of weeks with just a small team."

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